Day 2 - U26 Sweden and Norway in a strong lead

Sweden Yellow (Women) had a good Wednesday and are now in the lead with 14.3 VP ahead of Denmark in second place - Finland in third. There are still four matches left to be played, so big changes are still possible.

Norway is still in the lead in Open class and finished off the day with a big win over Sweden.
In Youth U26, Sweden and Norway has managed to get a bit of a distance to the rest of the teams. Sweden is in the lead closely followed by Norway, but more than 20 VPs to Finland in third. The match between U26 Norway - Sweden will be shown on Vugraph at 10.00.

In U21 it is very tight. Norway is in the lead before Sweden and Denmark. Everything can happen this last day!

NBU had a meeting in the afternoon led by the NBU President Finn Wardi from Finland. Plans were of course made for the Nordic Championships future.

The Swedish captain, Karl Asplund, got the chance to play some boards today. Not in the Youth team but in the Open team for Faroe Island?! One of the players unfortunately got a back problem and couldn’t finish the last match.

Good luck all - today is the final!

Vugraph Thu 1 june
10.00 U26 Norway - U26 Sweden
12.15 Denmark - Norway

Minisite | Running Scores | Match on BBO |


Rond Match Result
3 Faroe Islands - Denmark 1.75 - 18.25
3 Finland - Sweden 0.69 - 19.31
3 Norway - Iceland- 17.74 - 2.26
4 Finland - Faroe Islands 15.70 - 4.30
4 Iceland - Denmark 17.61 - 2.39
4 Sweden - Norway 11.24 - 8.76
5 Iceland - Finland 15.13 - 4.87
5 Sweden - Faroe Islands 12.62 - 7.38
5 Norway - Denmark 6.62 - 13.38
6 Faroe Islands - Denmark 5.49 - 14.51
6 Sweden - Norway 1.87 - 18.13
6 Finland - Iceland 4.87 - 15.13

Top three

Rank Country VP
1 Norway 83.06
2 Iceland 77.78
3 Denmark 64.01


Rond Match Result
3 Sweden Yellow - Iceland 14.29 - 5.71
3 Norway - Denmark 2.26 - 17.74
3 Finland - Sweden Blue 14.93 - 5.07
4 Denmark - Sweden Yellow 3.44 - 16.56
4 Sweden Blue - Iceland 4.68 - 15.32
4 Norway- Finland 2.39 - 17.61
5 Sweden Blue - Denmark 4.87 - 15.13
5 Sweden Yellow - Norway 20.00 - 0.00
5 Finland - Iceland 18.00 - 2.00
6 Sweden Blue - Iceland 2.00 - 18.00
6 Finland - Sweden Yellow 11.53 - 8.47
6 Norway- Denmark 5.93 - 14.07

Top three

Rank Country VP
1 Sweden Yellow 93.76
2 Denmark 79.46
3 Finland 70.40


Rond Match Result
1 U21 Denmark - U26 Denmark 13.38 - 6.62
1 U21 Norway - U26 Norway 2.13 - 17.87
1 U21 Sweden - U26 Sweden 2.82 - 17.18
1 W26 Denmark - U26 Finland 9.68 - 10.32
2 U21 Denmark - U26 Norway 1.52 - 18.48
2 U21 Norway - U26 Sweden 4.68 - 15.32
2 U21 Sweden - U26 Finland 9.06 - 10.94
2 W26 Denmark - U26 Denmark 9.37 - 10.63
3 U26 Sweden - U21 Denmark 19.91 - 0.09
3 U21 Norway - U26 Finland 8.47 - 11.53
3 U26 Denmark - U21 Sweden 6.87 - 13.13
3 U26 Norway - W26 Denmark 11.24 - 8.76
4 U26 Finland - U21 Denmark 6.87 - 13.13
4 U26 Sweden - W26 Denmark 15.51 - 4.49
4 U21 Norway- U26 Denmark 18.92 - 1.08
4 U21 Sweden - U26 Norway 6.15 - 13.85

Top three U26

Rank Country VP
1 U26 Sweden 67.92
2 U26 Norway 61.44
3 U26 Finland 39.66

Top three U21

Rank Country VP
1 U21 Norway 34.20
2 U21 Sweden 31.16
3 U21 Denmark 28.12