Where to stay?

On a separate page (in Swedish) you can find e-mail addresses to the different partner hotels in Örebro. Use those e-mail addresses to book rooms.

The closest hotel to the playing area is Scandic Grand Hotel. The rooms at special rates are sold out, so the rooms are slightly more expensive that the other partner hotels.

1 day 2-4 days 5+ days
Single room SEK 1040 SEK 1010 SEK 860
Double room SEK 1140 SEK 1110 SEK 960

The other hotels within walking distance are Behrn Hotell, Best Western City Hotel, Clarion Hotell i Örebro, Elite Stora Hotellet, and First Hotel.

These hotels have several rooms with the following maximum prices (per night):

1 day 2-4 days 5+ days
Single room SEK 843 SEK 812 SEK 760
Double room SEK 968 SEK 916 SEK 864

When paying prior to 14 June there is a SEK 50 discount per night.

Book hotel room



Jannersten Förlag